


Both University and Fresman oarsmen will commence their formal spring season with a workout on the machines at the Locker Building today, the former at 4 and the latter at 3.45 o'clock. Coach Haines will be present to outline the plans for the season. For the next two weeks, at least, the practice will continue at the Locker Building and will then be transferred to the Newell Boathouse. When the crews go on the water, if enough men have come out to warrant it, the Weld Boathouse will also be reopened.

Recognizing the duty of the University to render all its members physically fit for war service, it is the intention of the Rowing Committee to conduct the training so as to bring about the physical betterment of as many men as possible, rather than to develop a single crew. In accordance with this purpose, as many boats as can be filled will be kept on the river during the entire season. There will consequently be no cut in the squad and each man will receive an unusual amount of individual attention. The practice will be so arranged as in no way to interfere with R. O. T. C. work or afternoon laboratory periods.

The competition for Freshman manager and assistant manager will also begin this afternoon, when candidates will report at the Locker Building at 3 o'clock. This year the competition will be a comparatively short one, lasting approximately eight weeks, and as heretofore will result in the awarding of the class numerals to both the successful competitors. As in other years, the work will consist chiefly of running the launches, listing crews and performing a few clerical duties. Since the dormitory competition of last fall has no connection with the coming competition, men who did not come out in the fall will in no way be handicapped this spring.
