
Room Applications Due Tomorrow

Tomorrow is the last day for receiving applications for the re-engagement of rooms in the University dormitories for the college year 1918-19. All men who wish to have their same rooms next year must return the blanks which were sent out earlier in the month to the Bursar, at the Varsity Club, before 1 o'clock tomorrow.

Men who leave College to enter military service will not be bound to their leases, as they will not be held accountable for the rooms any longer than they occupy them. If a student engages or re-engages a room and leaves for war service during the summer, his entire responsibility for it ceases.

The application for suites this spring does not apply to the rooms in the Senior Dormitories, which were allotted to members of the class of 1919 on January 21, or to rooms in the 1921 Halls.
