

Chapel Was Closed January 21 on Account of Coal Shortage.

Appleton Chapel will reopen for both Sunday services and morning prayers beginning next Sunday, it was announced by Professor Edward Caldwell Moore, Chairman of the University Board of Preachers. It is felt by the University authorities that the fuel situation has cleared up sufficiently to warrant heating Appleton Chapel once more. Regular morning services of the University Radio School will also be held in the Chapel beginning next Monday.

Reverend G. A. Johnston Ross, Professor of Homiletics at the Union Theological Seminary, New York, will conduct Easter services Sunday at the reopening of the Chapel.

Next Wednesday Lieutenant Morize will conduct morning prayers at 8.45, in place of Professor Moore, who has charge of the services every other day next week.

Appleton Chapel was closed on January 21 because of the critical shortage of coal in New England and throughout the country. Since that time Sunday services have been held in Sanders Theatre and morning prayers in the Faculty Room of University Hall. The Radio School has been holding morning services in Sanders Theatre.

At first the University had considered opening Appleton just for Easter services, but the opening of chapel necessitates returning the choir organ, an expense which would not be justifiable if services for only one day were held


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