
Choose Cover Design by Gross

Out of some half-dozen designs received by the committee for the cover of the Junior Dance program, that of Sydney Arthur Gross '19 of Philadelphia, Pa., has been accepted. The winner thereby becomes a member of the dance committee.

Lowe's Orchestra has been engaged to play at the Dance, and the program of dances will be announced later.

Blanks for the Dance must be filled out and returned to G. A. Brownell '19, 9 Linden street, before Saturday night. Those desiring to attend must send their own names as well as the names of the ladies they wish to have invited. In order to be accepted, the blanks must be accompanied by the required subscription of three dollars per member, as well as an additional fee of two dollars for each lady.

Members of the Junior class or unclassified students graduating in 1919 may obtain these blanks at the CRIMSON Building or at the Union.
