

Boston English High Defeated by Score of 31 to 22.

The Freshman swimming team defeated Boston English High, 31 to 22, at the Boston Y. M. C. A. Saturday in its final meet of the season. A victory for the Freshmen in the team race, netting eight points, and a first by J. H. Eaton '21 in the plunge added substantially to a margin already secured by consistent seconds and thirds in the other events. English High won four firsts, but these, together with a tie for second place in the plunge, were its only tallies.

50 yards.--Won by Biddell, Boston English High; E. C. Mott-Smith '21, second; L. H. Rand '21, third. Time, 27s.

100 yards.--Won by Biddell, Boston English High; L. H. Rand '21, second; E. C. Mott-Smith '21, third. Time, 1m. 5s.

150 yards.--Won by Richardson, Boston English High; E. R. Sumner '21, second; F. S. Stranahan '21, third. Time, 1m. 58 4-5s.

Diving.--Won by Biddell, Boston English High; A. Levy '21, second: N. R. Knox '21, third.


Plunge for distance.--Won by J. H. Eaton '21, distance, 57 1-2 ft.; tie between P. Tishman '21 and Harrison, English High, at 57 ft. Tishman and Harrison were credited with two points each.

Relay race, each contestant swimming 50 yards. Won by 1921
