

The American public has been called upon so often for war charities and has at all times made so adequate a response that the mere announcement of another occasion for giving may assume success. Yet it is an opportunity deserving the particular support of University students which the annual spring clothing collection of the Phillips Brooks House affords.

Students possess a wealth of personal effects, many of which have long been discarded. Every man has a shelf or drawer full of things which he no longer uses. Old clothing accumulates rapidly. It is psychologically natural, however, for men to part slowly with possessions once acquired, and to declare they have nothing to give, upon being questioned by a collector. There seems to be nothing more difficult than the emptying of an overcrowded drawer into the waiting hands of charity.

It is difficult to change human nature, but we can point to the need of an increased support of this year's collection. All clothing secured will be given to the Red Cross as a part of the proceeds of their campaign for the destitute of Belgium and Northern France. During the next few days an inventory of available gifts and a hearty response to the collector's request should be on the program of every student.
