

Huntington School Easily Outpointed.--L. H. Rand '21 Starred.

Little difficulty was experienced by the Freshman swimming team Saturday in defeating Huntington School at the Boston Y. M. C. A. tank by a score of 32 to 18. The 1921 team was an easy winner in every event but the plunge, which J. H. Eaton '21 lost by a margin of only a foot. L. H. Rand '21 was the individual point-winner, taking first in the 100-yard, second in the 50-yard and swimming on the winning relay team.

The results of Saturday's meet were as follows:

Relay.--Won by 1921 (F. S. Stranahan, L. H. Rand, E. R. Sumner, E. C. Mott-Smith). Time, 1m. 57 2-5s.

Fancy diving.--Won by A. Levy '21; second, Bartlett, Huntington; third, Chrimes, Huntington.

50-yard swim.--Won by E. C. Mott-Smith '21; second, L. H. Rand '21; third, Evans, Huntington. Time, 28 4-5s.


Plunge.--Won by Cowen, Huntington, 54ft.; second, Gallagher, Huntington, 53 1-2ft.; third, J. H. Eaton '21, 53ft.

150-yard swim.--Won by E. R. Sumner '21; second, F. S. Stranahan '21; third, Duane, Huntington. Time, 2m. 2s.

100-yard swim.--Won by L. H. Rand '21; second, Grant, Huntington; third, Russel, Huntington. Time, int. 8s.
