


This evening at 7.30 o'clock the student body of the University will meet in the New Lecture Hall at President Lowell's call to learn something of the importance which will be attached to the reconstructive movements that must take place on an international basis at the conclusion of the war. The question of future reconstruction, as seen from several standpoints, will be placed before the members of the University in an effort to arouse among the students an interest in the inevitable rehabilitation of the industrial and political character of the nation. President Lowell will address the meeting from the theoretical point of view of the College, and will be seconded in his remarks by Dean Yeomans. In contrast to these speeches, and in support of them, Mr. B. Preston Clark of the Plymouth Cordage Company, will describe the great necessity for study of these future problems, as seen by the world's commercial powers of today.

Opportunities Open to All.

The proposed organization of discussion groups, in which an opportunity will be afforded the members of the University to meet at stated intervals for the purpose of considering the reconstructive possibilities of the future, will be inaugurated this evening. If the student body lends its support to the plan, the enrolment will be continued for several days before the first meetings of the groups.

Professors from different departments of the University will be placed at the head of the various groups and each will cover a certain field in the series of discussions carried on under his supervision. One undergraduate in each group is to be appointed to assist the professor in charge in making all necessary arrangements. Announcement will be made tonight of the names of the professors in charge, as well as the subject which each will take up in his group, and the general trend which the discussion will follow during the spring
