

The question before all men today is how they can best serve their country. College students exist because some men are unqualified for war service and because many more believe that a higher utility lies in an academic preparation for the future. We can gainsay the position of neither, but we can maintain that past experience has shown an indifferent attitude of not a few toward the obligations of the time.

Tonight a plan will be brought forward which deserves the hearty support of all those sincere in the desire of doing their part. A mass meeting with President Lowell, Dean Yeomans and Mr. B. Preston Clark speaking is not an ordinary event. These men and the professors who will lead discussion groups can give up their time because this plan will make undergraduates more fit to serve their nation.

The necessity of securing men and money and of devoting all our energies to the war can not obscure the need of stimulating among students an active interest in after-the-war problems. That men in the heat of the present struggle have in the most part neglected the rather indefinite yet inevitable reconstructions which must surely follow the war is only too true. That men must from now on turn their energies to the institutions of the future is equally certain. The need may be well met by the introduction of small discussion groups, led by men not only competent in their field, but able to arouse active thought in the minds of the indifferent. Such a plan will serve to find the true position of the undergraduate in college today. Tonight each man is before the bar of a searching into his sincerity. Let no one fall to justify the continuance of our University.
