

Baker in France.

Newton D. Baker, our Secretary of War, has arrived on French soil for the purpose of investigating military conditions there. No obligation of his office required him to undergo the rigors and risks of such an adventure--and he may have been needed at home--but he cannot fail to profit by the experience. His remark before the Senate committee that the war was 3,000 miles away, in giving an answer to the question why he had not moved more rapidly towards preparation, has been symptomatic of his state of mind. He can now realize what war at hand means and can make his further plans accordingly. The visit will do him good and through him the army and the country. As an exhibition of courage and good sportsmanship his journey to the other side will encourage the soldiers. They will be glad to see the head of the War Department and so of the army, on the battle line, he coming acquainted with their perils and their problems. Boston Herald.
