

D. E. Putnam '20 Brought Down Third Hostile Airplane.

Another Boche aviator has been accounted for by D. E. Putnam '20, according to a dispatch received from France. This latest achievement makes the third German that Putnam has shot down since his arrival on the battle front two months ago. Putnam and others of his fellow airmen in the Lafayette Escadrille, have been taking advantage on the recent mild weather on the French front and have continued their brilliant exploits by bringing down three enemy machines in all, losing none themselves.

Coincident with Putnam's feat, Thomas Hitchcock, Jr., also of the Escadrille, downed two German aviators within a short time, his first victories in the air. Details of these combats have not yet been received in Paris. Both Hitchcock and Putnam have been on the battle front for less than three months and have not yet been transferred to the American Army.

Putnam graduated from Newton High School in 1916, leaving College last spring to go to France with an ambulance unit. After finishing his work in that branch he entered the aviation service.
