


The arrangements for the All-College Rally, originally planned for January 12, have been completed. The date has been changed to February 12 in order to conform with the Garfield fuel conservation regulations. The meeting will be held in the Boston Opera House and the receipts taken in will be devoted to a fund for the benefit of the American University Union headquarters for college men in Paris.

Two speakers of nation-wide reputation have been secured for the occasion. They are James M. Beck of New York City and John R. Rathom of Providence, R. I. The former is probably chiefly known by his book "The Case Against Germany," which is a lawyer's digest of the propaganda that the Imperial government has carried on in the United States, as evidence 1 by the revelation of German diplomatic communications. Mr. Beck is one of the most prominent leaders of the American Bar and probably has argued more cases before the United States Supreme Court than any other contemporary attorney. He is an orator of international fame, an authority on trust cases and international law and is known almost as well in England as in New York and Washington. Under the Roosevelt administration Mr. Beck occupied the position of Attorney General, and to him was largely due the Northern Securities decision by the Supreme Court. He has also been identified with the New York Sun and the Philadelphia Record.

Mr. Rathom is best known as the editor of the Providence Journal. Since the beginning of the war he has been strongly in favor of more thorough preparation, and has been very active in disclosing German propaganda. He has brought to light many schemes against the United States, plotted by Teuton spies.

Justice Rugg President.

The president of the day will be Chief Justice Rugg of the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts. Among the honorary vice-presidents are Governor McCall and Mayor Peters of Boston. The heads of many of the leading colleges and universities of the East, including President Lowell, have announced that they will be present at the meeting.
