

Instruction Will Begin February 15 at University of Vermont.

The Signal Corps of the Army, according to an announcement made by the Department Signal Officer of the Northeastern Department, will start a school of instruction at the University of Vermont, beginning February 15 and ending June 30. The services of men from 18 to 45 years of age being desired for this course of instruction. The Department Signal Officer of the Northeastern Department, 25 Huntington avenue, Boston, has authority from Washington to request the induction by local board of suitable candidates and to have them sent to Burlington, Vt.

The United States Government has made arrangements with the University of Vermont to house this class in the quarters of the university, and they will receive their meals in the dining hall of the university with the students regularly attending that institution.

Upon conclusion of the course the men will probably be attached to an organization which will be sent overseas to furnish communications for a divisions of the Army. As the school opens February 15, early action is necessary. Application should be made to the Department Signal Officer, Boston, stating qualifications and requesting induction by the local board, the title of which should be given.
