

It would take great audacity to accuse Harvard University of being unpatriotic. When one considers the number of University men in war service, the activities of undergraduates and the attitude of the Faculty, such an assertion would seem ridiculous. But unfortunately all citizens of the United States do not posses breadth of mind. Witness the recent action of North Dakota and Baltimore in removing the study of German from their school curricula. These same people may now look askance at the list of new courses to be offered by the University this next half-year. As against two French courses stand seven new German subjects. Oh treason of the blood! And so the great New England seat of learning is after all willing to disseminate enemy propaganda under the guise of education. No; the fact is that Harvard is not yet infected with a blind patriotism which sweeps all before it, whether it be good or not. President Lowell's last report, with its promise of academic freedom, must become a historic document. That promise will not be lightly kept. We shall do well to remember that there is much to be had from the study of German and especially at this time.
