

Salvage at Dane Hall.

Historic Dane Hall has been lost to Harvard, possibly beyond hope of repair, but escape from the far more serious damage which might have been caused by the flames is to be set down as a blessing at a time when fires, wherever they have occurred in the country, have been quite generally working a maximum, rather than a minimum of destruction. The blessing, in this instance, may be traced to a, source not at all mystical. The steady courage and quiet tenacity of the naval cadets who removed the many boxes of cartridges stored in the building's basement, and the prompt action of the firemen who carried carboys of acid from another room of Dane Hall, are good notes for the record of Harvard in peace as well as in war.

It must be said, however, that there is at least an element of the miraculous in the University's escape forth more serious loss of the precious documents and historical papers which had been stored in the building. According to all casual opinion it must seem an inexcusable negligence which ever hazarded these records to the keeping of so old a building, quite without any system of fireproofing. At least they might have been kept in protected vaults. Boston Transcript.
