

So S. M. Folton, Jr., '16, Former Crew Manager, Has Written to Engineer of the "John Harvard."

A letter has recently been received from Samuel M. Felton '16, crew manager, by Freeman Mosher, who has been the engineer of the coaching launch "John Harvard" for many years. Felton went to France as a lieutenant in the engineers in September of last year and is serving there in that capacity in construction of roads and railroads.

The letter reads as follows:

"Was ordered to present myself for physical examination for promotion last Sunday Guess who did it. Doc Deney of the Harvard crew! Ran into Paul Withington, Doc Derby, Elliot Cutler, etc., at the Harvard Hospital at

"The outfits in this command have been having a fine time killing Germans. All three of them have been in it, especially one. I suppose you read about their splendid work. They killed them with picks and anything that came handy. I was out there the two days before the counter attack, and, of course, went out the minute we received the news over the phone, but things were comparatively quiet. The whole outfit volunteered to go into the trenches and a good many of them did.

"My work has been very interesting, studying the operation and construction of light railways and trench tramways and getting up reports on them. The job offers plenty of opportunity to hear the shells fly, but little chance to kill the Hun. It isn't very pleasant at times to have him just about hitting you without getting a chance to hit back.


"I guess I told you about having two men hit on my immediate right and one on my left in front of Y--. Nothing like being commissioned on the 13th, joining the 13th engineers, landing on foreign soil on the 13th, etc., for good luck. Incidentally, I went all over the Canadian trench tramways on the 13th, and believe me, it was a warm trip at times.

"Saw Mike Murray, the Freshman Cox, a while ago. He is running a seaplane a bit north of here with the British. You had better take the 'John Harvard' and come on over. All Harvard is here."
