


Roger Bigelow Merriman '96 was appointed Professor of History by the University Board of Overseers at their latest meeting. Professor Merriman received the degree of A.M. from the University in 1897, the year after his graduation, and that of B.Litt. from Oxford in 1899. During 1900-02 he was John Harvard Fellow in Europe. In 1902 the degree of Ph.D. was conferred upon him by the University. That same year he became associated with the Department of History as an instructor, and five years later was appointed an Assistant Professor. During the first half-year 1917-18, Professor Merriman was on leave of absence from the University, serving as interpreter for Colonel Paul Azan of the French Mission.

Francis Welles Hunnewell '02, Secretary to the Corporation, has been granted leave of absence for the second half-year 1917-18, to serve in the Adjutant General's Office at Washington.

Lieutenant Commander Joseph C. Nowell, U. S. N. N. V., the new commandant of the University Ensign School, has been appointed by the Board of Overseers a member of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, and likewise Lecturer on Naval Science and Tactics. Commander Nowell recently came to the University from Norfolk, Va., where he had been in charge of the Cadet School of the Fifth Naval District. His appointment to the Faculty is in accordance with the intention of the Navy Department to maintain a school for prospective naval officers within the University itself.

Other Appointments.

At the meeting of the Board of Overseers on Monday, the following appointments were also made:


Fred Bates Lund '88 and Benjamin Loring Young '07, as Graduate members of the Committee on the Regulation of Athletic Sports for 1917-18; Harry Austryn Wolfson '11, as Instructor in Jewish Literature and Philosophy.

The following were reappointed: Edmund Ezra Day, Ph.D. '09, as Assistant Professor of Economics; George Shannon Forbes '02, as Assistant Professor of Chemistry; John George Jack, as Assistant Professor of Dendrology.

Other business concluded at the meeting last Monday of the Board of Overseers was as follows:

Resignations Accepted.

Resignations accepted: Norman Ethan Allen Hinds 1G, as Austin Teaching Fellow in Geology and Geography; Fred Campbell Meier 3G, as Austin Teaching Fellow in Botany; Philip Francis Weatherill 2G, as Assistant in Chemistry; Edward Ballantine, as Instructor in Music; Durand Appleton Hall 2G, as Assistant in Economic Geology; Curtis Worth Chenoweth, A.M. '13, as Instructor in Public Speaking; Edwin Bissell Holt '96, as Assistant Professor of Psychology.

Appointments: Lyman Gorham Smith '92, as Assistant in Chemistry; Frank Silver MacGregor '18, as Assistant in Chemistry; Ralph Freston Wentworth 2L, as Assistant in Meteorology; Roger Douglas Harvey '15, as Assistant in Geology; Robert Chenault Givler, A.M. '13, as Assistant in Psychology; Frank Andrew Hamilton, M.D. '06, as Assistant in Anatomy.

Leaves of Absence Granted.

Leaves of absences were granted for the second half of 1917-18 to: Bremer Widden Pond, Instructor in Landscape Architecture; Henry Hallowell Farquhas, Instructor in Factory Management.

Awards were made to: Thomas Gorham Scholarship for the second half of 1917-18 to Thomas Kite Brown, Jr., uG; William O. Moseley Traveling Fellowship for 1917-18 to Moses Hyman Lurie uM
