

Triangular Debate With Princeton and Yale Scheduled for March 22.

Final trials for the University debating team will be held this afternoon and evening in Harvard 6. The 12 men chosen after the preliminary trials last week have been divided into four teams to debate on the question: "Resolved, That except in so far as it is necessary to conceal military and naval secrets, the United States Government should take no measures to prevent the publication or circulation of any paper." The places on the teams and the hours for the debating have been set as follows:

At 5.15 o'clock M. L. Luessenhop '19, W. Hettleman '19 and W. S. Holbrook '21 will take the affirmative, and H. Berlack '20, W. L. Prosser '18 and W. M. Silverman 1L the negative. At 7.45 this evening A. S. Aronson '20, J. J. Lutun '20 and L. A. Levy '20 will argue in favor of the resolution, opposed by J. Davis '19, H. A. Janglik '20 and K. O. Lewis '18.

After the trials tonight two teams of three men each and three alternates will be chosen to make up the team which will represent the University in the coming triangular debate. On March 5 the subject for the debate will be decided upon, and thereafter the team with meet every night in preparation, the work being so scheduled that each man will report four nights a week. The regular team will be selected about March 18 and on March 22 will meet Yale and Princeton in the annual three-cornered contest.
