
The Unpaid Hut Fund Pledges.


(We invite all men in the University to submit communications on subjects of timely interest, but assume no responsibility for sentiments expressed under this head.)

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

As is explained fully in another column, a rather embarrassing situation has arisen in connection with the Y. M. C. A. pledges which were made when Dr. Mott was here.

At that time a total of $50,000 was pledged by the students and Faculty. For the most part the undergraduates have responded faithfully when their pledges have fallen due. In fact, almost all large sums have been turned in. But there remains a matter of 233 pledges, which although overdue, and in spite of repeated appeals from Phillips Brooks House, have been overlooked or neglected. The men who signed these pledges--and mind you, they are all for small sums--should realize the responsibility they incurred to make them good within reasonable time. It would mean a good deal of extra work to organize another committee to chase up these overdue contributions. Moreover, the University Y. M. C. A. representative, Arthur Beane, is kept continually busy, as is his secretary, by so many difficult tasks, that it is unfair to place him in the predicament he finds himself in at present, because he is responsible to the national Y. M. C. A. for the University's entire pledged subscription.

It is a very easy matter for each man to mail his contribution to Phillips Brooks House and clear his conscience; let us not make it necessary to have a committee to make the collections. In behalf of the Harvard Y. M. C. A. Hut Fund, we appeal to these men, as a point of honor, to respond to their pledges promptly. CASS CANFIELD '19.   CHARLES BLUM, JR., '18.   ARNOLD HORWEEN '20.
