
$2,482.50 of Pledges Overdue

The total Y. M. C. A. Hut Fund subscriptions amounted to $50,287.25. Of this, approximately $20,000 came from Faculty subscriptions through the Cambridge City Committee and approximately $30,000 from student subscriptions. Of the $30,000 subscribed by students, $20,484.57 has been paid in. Thirteen thousand, three hundred dollars have been paid over to the National War Work Council. The balance, $7,184.57 is on account at the Charles River Trust Company, where it is drawing interest at three and one-half per cent.

Of the amount pledged, $2,482.50 is overdue at this time, from 233 subscribers. Payment can be made daily at Phillips Brooks House to A. Beane '11, treasurer of the fund.
