

In a very striking manner have the people of Massachusetts once again proved themselves to be a bulwark of patriotism and national support. From the early formation of the Union, up to the present time, the Commonwealth was always considered a leader among the states, not only in its internal organization, but in its attitude at times of national crises, in its certainty to take the stand which would uphold and strengthen the Federal Government.

A crisis was at hand in Massachusetts in the election we have just witnessed. Woodrow Wilson, the leader of this nation, asked the people of the United States to lend him strength and support by sending to the National legislature those men who were unquestionably in sympathy with the methods which have won the President a place in the world's history as a leader of the destinies of nations.

Massachusetts responded nobly, Disregarding party lines, in a contest where there was little difference in the abilities of two men of sterling character, the voters of this state followed the President's call by sending to the United States Senate a man whom the President endorsed. David I. Walsh is the first Democrat to be elected by Massachusetts to this great law-making body since the Civil War.

It is a great tribute to Woodrow Wilson. It is an unquestioned expression of faith in him, in his methods, and in his policies, by the people of Massachusetts. No better proof than this is needed to establish the greatness of the man who has upon his shoulders the responsibility of concluding a lasting peace, and the great task of industrial and economic reconstruction that will follow the war.
