
Service Crews Race Tomorrow

A race along a half-mile course will be held tomorrow between the S. A. T. C., Naval Unit and Freshman crews. The Freshman crew is composed of Junior S. A. T. C. men. Thereafter races will be held twice a week for the rest of the season. The crews for tomorrow's races have already been selected, but this should by no means exclude other candidates from coming out. In fact, there is still a large opportunity for late applicants. More service men are needed and all S. A. T. C. and Naval Unit men will be excused from 5 o'clock formation.

Thus far, fifty-five men altogether have been reporting daily for practice, and every day three crews have been out on the Charles. Each man has been assigned hours for practice in order to give more individual attention to the candidates. Everybody who is interested and who can spare the time, is urged to report to Coach Haines in the afternoons at the Newell Boathouse.
