
Dean Briggs to Go to Conference

Dean LeB. R. Briggs, Chairman of the Athletic Committee, will represent the University at the meeting of the Intercollegiate Athletic Association, December 27. This meeting will be held at the Hotel Astor, New York, and all the Eastern colleges and universities will have delegates. The purpose of the meeting is to determine how far the reconstruction of college athletics will go, and to what extent the whole system will be built up. Plans will be discussed as to the development of athletics on a modified scale, with the purpose in view of giving as high-class football as there was before the war, and still maintain a less lavish standard. The travelling expenses of teams could be diminished and the training-table abolished. The main subject of debate will evolve around the question of the possibility of turning out good teams without these expenditures. Again it is likely that there will be a strong desire for the maintenance of athletics as they were, now that the war is over and there is no longer such an urgent need for economizing. Whatever course is adopted, all the colleges will comply with it, so that the representatives of two institutions will enter a contest on the same footing.
