


The third practice session of the University informal hockey team was marred by snow-covered lce, but despite this handicap, the squad evinced considerable improvement over its previous work. Coach R. E. Gross '19 was again in charge, and he spent most of the time in individual coaching and correcting many of the faults that had become manifest in the first scrimmages.

Practice began with the routine preliminary work of sending forward lines down the ice against various defence combinations and shooting at short and long ranges. Then the squad was divided into two sections and a scrimmage of a little over 30 minutes was held.

Team A scored five goals to their opponents' none. W. W. Rice '18, who was a powerful offensive factor throughout, scored twice, as did Gross, who took part in a scrimmage for the first time. E. Cabot '20, the fastest and most effective forward of last year's Freshman seven, who has been out with an injury, started yesterday at left centre and was responsible for the fifth goal. The first team's superiority was evident from start to finish, and only very able defensive playing by players of Team B, notably W. W. Hoffmann '19 and H. F. Gibbs '20, kept the score low.

Many Substitutions Made.

At the start, the two teams lined up as follows, but before the end every member of the squad was substituted: TEAM A.  TEAM B. Bright, r.w.  l.w., Coolidge Gross, r.c.  l.c., Higgins Cabot, l.c.  r.c., Hoffmann Rice, l.w.  r.w., Trevor Stubbs, c.p.  c.p., Frenning Hawkins, p.  p., Wason Louderback, g.  g., Francis
