
Reserve Officers' Training Corps

Special Order No. 2: Jan. 4, 1918.

1. First Lieutenant R. S. Lovering, M company, is hereby detailed as Aid for Instruction.

2. The appointments of H. P. King, F. B. Lothrop and D. L. Bigeloe as Battalion sergeants-major are hereby revoked and these men are assigned as privates in K Company.

3.--Second Battalion:

Pursuant to recommendations of its commander the following appointments are announced, effective January 5th, and terminating January 15th, 1918:


F Company: To be Captain, 1st Sergeant A. H. Bright, vice Cabot, honorably discharged. To be 1st Sergeant, Private J. J. Caffrey, vice Bright, promoted. To be Supply Sergeant, Private J. Higgins, vice Mellen, honorably discharged.

G Company--To be 1st Lieutenant, Private J. Sise, vice Smith, honorably discharged. To be 2nd Lieutenant, Private J. Stubbs, vice Caires, honorably discharged. To be Sergeant, Private A. Steuer, vice McGuire, honorably discharged.

4. They will be obeyed and respected accordingly.

5. Lieutenant Colonel J. A. L. Blake, M. S. G., to be Acting Regimental Adjutant.

6. Hereafter, men having a legitimate reason for excuse from any drill, section meeting or lecture will present their written request in person either to Lieutenant Scott or the Acting Adjutant, in advance.   WM. F. FLYNN.   Major, U. S. A., Retired, Commanding.
