

Freshman Swimming Team Held Meeting to Plan Schedule.

At a meeting in the Gore Hall Common Room last night of men interested in the formation of a Freshman swimwing team, 22 prospective candidates signified their intention to report for regular practice. Most of these men have figured on their preparatory school swimming teams and present promising material for a 1921 team this winter.

The captain of the Yale freshman swimming team was present at the meeting, and stated that the Yale authorities were willing to have a meet arranged with the University. The matter will have to be brought before the Athletic Association, however, before an engagement can be definitely decided upon.

Freshman swimming manager candidates will meet in Randolph 41 at 6.30 o'clock Monday evening. At this time the competition will be explained. Arrangements have been made to engage the pool of the Boston Y. M. C. A. for practice several afternoons a week.
