

Harvard University is justly proud of the part which its graduates and undergraduates have done in war work. It is only natural that active military service should receive the greatest measure of praise, for with it go all dangers and hardships. Yet there are many other fields in which men may serve with great benefit to their nation. A group of University undergraduates has just finished a task, the completion of which deserves most honorable mention. These men gave up their Christmas vacation to go into the woods nearby and gather fuel to relieve the shortage so keenly felt in Boston this winter. It was a splendid work, and most opportune, coming at the time of one of the worst periods of cold which the East has experienced. The foresight of the Massachusetts Forestry Association in arranging this expedition must not escape commendation. This society made it possible for men, who were unable to carry a gun, to swing an axe for their country. The Harvard Corps of Woodchoppers is a body which ranks with the most efficient and patriotic organizations of Cambridge students. It has helped to keep warm the citizens for whose protection other men are fighting.
