


INFORMALS.  NEWPORT RESERVES. Rice, l.w.  r.w., Cann Gibbs, l.c.  r.c., J. Howard Cabot, r.c.  l.c., T. Howard Bright, r.w.  l.w., Patterson Stubbs, c.p.  c.p., Humphreys Walker, p.  p., Bull Louderback, g.  g., Childe

The University informal hockey team will stage its first regular game of the year this evening when a seven representing the Newport Naval Reserve Station will be played at the Arena. The game will commence at 7.30 o'clock. Inasmuch as the sailor aggregation includes in its lineup several former collegiate and club stars through whose playing Camp Upton and Boston College have already been defeated, the University seven faces a difficult contest. The Newport Reserves have already acquired a reputation in athletics through the football eleven from their station that, under the leadership of Black, the former Yale captain, defeated so many opponents last fall, including the University.

Gross Not to Play.

It was announced last night that the informals would be without the services of R. E. Gross '19 in the game this evening. Supplanting him at right centre will be H. F. Gibbs '20, who has been substituting at the position during the absence of the captain and acting coach. An eleventh-hour decision may shift A. H. Bright '19 from right wing to strengthen the left of the forward line, in which case either E. Van R. Stires '20 or J. S. Higgins '20 will occupy the place left vacant by the change.

Among the members of the visiting team who, because of intercollegiate experience, are expected to prove powerful factors in the result of tonight's contest are Patterson of the 1915 Princeton seven and Humphreys, last year on the regular team from the same university. The Howard brothers, former forwards with the New York Hockey Club, will also be included inn the lineup of the sailors.
