
Opposed To Formal Sports

dents who because of youth or of physical defects are kept out of active military life. We still encourage such contests, for the sake of exercise, discienergy; but we believe that in these times military training comes before athletics, and claims more than divided allegiance. We believe, also, that such public spectacles as our games with Yale and Princeton are unbecoming now, when the friends and comrades of the participants are at the front, or on their way to it, and in imminent danger of a soldier's death. Whether a modified and less formal kind of contest than we have had could escape the publicity which the newspapers are watchful in maintaining is at least a matter of doubt.

"One thing is certain: If when the world is at peace again, and intercollegiate contests are resumed, we fail to reduce the expense of coaching and training, to inculcate notions less luxurious, and to foster a better understanding of the relation between athletics and other interests of life, we shall lose one of the opportunities so dearly bought by this war."
