

Dr. Davison to Hold Official Position at Training Camp.

Dr. A. T. Davison '06, Assistant Professor of Music and University organist and choirmaster, has just been appointed as song leader of the military forces now stationed at Camp Devens. The appointment gives Dr. Davison an official position in the army, but does not entitle him to a commission.

Just at present Dr. Davison does not know how long it will be before he will take up his work at Ayer. The duties there, however, will not require all his time, and he expects to be able to continue a large part of his musical work at the University. At Camp Devens Dr. Davison will organize singing groups, and lead and instruct the soldiers in the musical work that has now become such an important factor in the life at army cantonments.

During the past few years Dr. Davison has been particularly active in the musical work of students at the University. He has coached and developed the Glee Club, the Chapel Choir, and numerous other musical organizations. The singing in the comic opera "Iolanthe," which was presented last December under the joint auspices of the University Glee Club and the Radcliffe Choral Society, was under his direction.
