

At 6 o'clock this evening the drawings for Yard rooms for the College year of 1918-19 will be made, and until that time Juniors may file their applications. Unusually few members of the class of 1919 had, up to last night, complied with the request of their committee and the University authorities to provide for their own possible future needs by petitioning for these rooms; why, it is difficult to understand. Nine out of every ten men now in College have no definite idea of where they will be next fall. It is altogether within the bounds of possibility that a declaration of peace will make it advisable for the majority to return. In any event the College has offered every inducement by stating that any contracts will be automatically cancelled if the men do not come back, and these who apply for rooms will therefore merely be providing, at no risk to themselves, for all eventualities.

The class of 1919 has been torn to pieces by the war; its unity has naturally suffered. However, over half still remains, and it is the duty of this constantly decreasing remainder to give the same strong support to the University's traditions as the entire class did during its Freshman and Sophomore years.
