

Seven Competitions Open to Freshmen, Sophomores and Juniors.

Seven competitions for positions on the Illustrated Board will commence on Monday, February 11, when candidates from the Freshman, Sophomore and Junior classes will report at the Illustrated office at 7 o'clock. Positions in the news department will be competed for by members of 1920 and 1921; places on the photographic board will be open to the same classes; while in addition to Freshmen and Sophomores, members of the third-year class will be eligible to become editors on the business staff. If, as in past years, candidates will be summoned from the Junior Class for the news and editorial departments, the competition will be started at a later date.

The customary gathering of routine news, the securing of interviews and the writing of feature articles will be included among the requirements for the news competition. In the photographic trials the work will consist of taking pictures relative to the various activites of the University, and although candidates possessing cameras will be particularly fitted, no one without a camera will be prevented from entering the competition.
