


The 1921 hockey team played its second game yesterday afternoon and won a decisive victory over Pomfret by a score of 3 to 1. Unusual playing conditions slowed up the Freshmen considerably and compelled them to alter their form of attack. The Pomfret rink was much smaller than the Charlesbank and the side-boards were low, so that individual brilliancy and team-play were both impossible. Ability to keep the puck in their opponents' territory and an obstinate defence were the main reasons for the yearlings' success.

The only unfortunate incident of the contest occurred when J. Gaston of the Freshman seven was expelled from the game in the first half for unsportsman-like conduct.

First Score by Pomfret.

Captain Martin started the scoring by bouncing the puck past J. Holmes after two minutes of play. From then on, however, the Freshmen held the upper hand and in the remainder of the half scored all three of their goals. L. B. Van Ingen tallied after six minutes from a mixup in front of the cage. F. M. Bacon scored again shortly after this by a fairly long, accurage shot. Van Ingen made the third and final tally by caging the puck from the side-boards. The second half was marked by effective Pomfret defensive playing, especially by Mackey, the goal-guard, who made several difficult stops.

No single Freshman star can be selected, although the entire seven played an average game. For Pomfret, Captain Martin and Mackey were easily the most potent factors.


An informal game has been arranged with Melrose High School on the Charlesbank rink for tomorrow afternoon. The next match for the Freshmen will be against Newton High School on Wednesday.

The summary of Saturday's game follows: FRESHMEN.  POMFRET. Gaston, Baldwin, r.w.  l.w., Parsons Bigelow, r.c.  l.c., Dewey Bacon, l.c.  r.c., Martin Van Ingen, l.w.  r.w., Field Humphrey, Sessions, c.p.  c.p. Croft King, E. H. Stillman, p.  p., Buell, Taylor Holmes, C. Stillman, g.  g., Mackey Score--Freshmen, 3;  Pomfret, 1.

Goals--Martin, Van Ingen (2), Bacon. Penalties -- Gaston, unsportsmanlike conduct, expelled from game. Referee--Gross. Goal umpires--Wilder, Hofer. Time--two 20-minute periods.
