

Juniors' Applications Can Not Contain Over Twelve Signatures.

Only two days remain in which members of the Junior Class may apply to engage rooms in the Senior dormitories for next year. Notification from third-year men of the rooms preferred must be filed with the dormitory committee by Monday evening at 6 o'clock, when the drawing of lots for assignments of locations will take place. To provide information concerning the Senior halls and to furnish applications, office hours are being maintained by the committee in Randolph 37 from 4 to 6 o'clock today and Monday.

As in the past, it has been advised that the Juniors form in groups, the largest of which may contain 12 men. This is expedient, inasmuch as the larger groups are given preference in the allotment. All men who entered College with the Class of 1919 or who finish their course of study in the College year of 1918-19 are eligible to file applications.
