


The 1918 Photograph Committee has awarded the contract for the class photographs to Notman's Studio. It is desirable that all members of the class make appointments for sittings as soon as possible in person, by mail, or by telephone, Cambridge 3273. Later the class will be divided into sections alphabetically, and appointments will be assigned by the committee. Seniors who are leaving before or at the mid-years must have their photographs taken by January 23, as after that period there will be no opportunity for them to get their pictures in the Album. The committee hopes, with the assistance of Notman's Studio and the families of the men, to secure an individual photograph of every member of the class who is away in the military or naval service of the United States.

The committee is trying to get the Album out by June 1, which can only be accomplished with the co-operation of the entire class. Blanks on which each man's "life" will be tabulated will be sent to the members of the class early next week, and are to be returned as soon as is possible. March 1 has been set as the final date on which this material can be received to insure its insertion in the Album.

Every man intending to purchase an Album is asked to deposit two dollars, which will be used by the Photograph Committee for current expenses. Blanks for this purpose which men may sign when they make their appointments will be left at Notman's Studio.

The committee will be pleased to receive from members of the class or others any suggestions they may care to offer concerning the Senior Album. The suggestions may be made either personally to a member of the committee or mailed to Dunster 34.
