

No Undergraduate will be Elected Before Fourth Monday after Opening of College.

The readjustment of certain phases of undergraduate life which followed the advent of the Freshman Dormitories two years ago led to the formation of a new agreement between a number of the clubs regulating the election of members.

Clubs in Agreement.

The subscribers to this agreement, which is printed in full below, are the A. D. Club, Alpha Phi Sigma Club, Alpha Sigma Phi Fraternity, Argo Club, Delphic Club, Digmma Club, D. U. Club, Fly, Club, Iroquois Club, Kappa-Gamma Phi, Club, Phi Kappa Sigma Fraternity, Phi Delta Psi Club, Phi Kappa Epsilon Fraternity, PhEpsilon Fraternity, Phoenix Club, Pi Eta Society, Porcellian Club, S. A. E. Fraternity, Spee Club, Stylus Club, S. K. Club, Theta Delta Chi Club.

The agreement signed by the above named clubs, is as follows:



1. Canvassing is here defined as "reading" or speaking or making to any undergraduate any statement or representation about any club, or notifying him directly or indirectly that he is or is not under consideration as a future member of the club.

2. Each club shall prohibit its undergraduate members and its members elect (meaning thereby persons notified of their election but not yet initiated) from canvassing any undergraduate before the opening of College in his Sophomore year.

3. Each club shall request its graduate members to consider it a point of honor not to canvass any undergraduate in any way before the opening of College in his Sophomore year.


4. No pledge or promise shall be accepted or taken from any undergraduate before Friday following the fourth Monday after the opening of College in his Sophomore year by any club or by any member thereof to the effect that he will join any club or that he will not join any other club and any such pledge or promise, whether originating in misunder standing or otherwise, shall not be binding upon such undergraduate or upon any of the said clubs agreeing hereto, but shall be regarded by everybody as null and void and contrary to the spirit of the agreement.

Date of Elections.

5. No club shall elect as a member any undergraduate before the fourth Monday after the opening of College in his Sophomore year, or before that time pledge or promise election, even by implication, to such undergraduate.

Date of Notice of Elections.

6. No club shall give notice to any undergraduate of his election earlier than the Tuesday following the fourth Monday after the opening of College in his Sophomore year.

7. No club shall take as a member any undergraduate from the class of 1918 or subsequent classes, who has accepted election before the Friday following the fourth Monday after the opening of College in his Sophomore year to any other social club or society which takes in class than 100 members from a College class. The Advisory Committee shall have power to determine what organizations come within the meaning of this rule.
