

Prof. Copeland to Address First Meeting of Candidates.

The fifty-first annual meeting of literary and business candidates for the Advocate will be held in the Advocate Sanctum, third floor of the Union this evening at 7 o'clock. Professor Copeland will address the candidates, and the work of the competitions will be explained by members of the board. Refreshments will also be served.

The Advocate being the only monthly literary magazine in the University this year, all those who intend writing for publication are asked to report this evening. The literary competition is open to all undergraduates, while the business competition is limited to members of the classes of 1920 and 1921. The work required of the business candidates will consist of securing subscriptions and advertisements, and some clerical work will also be expected of every candidate. No previous experience is necessary to enter this work.

One of the principal objects of the Advocate this year will be to keep in touch with University men in the various branches of military service. Former members of the board who are at the front or who are enlisted have planned to send contributions with regard to the activities in which they are engaged, so that the Advocate will keep its readers informed on military as well as general literary affairs.
