

Men Were Put Through First Hour of Practice by Coach Wallace.

Soldiers Field took on a more normal fall aspect yesterday when 63 members of 1921 reported to Coach D. J. Wallace '16 for Freshman football practice. The men were divided into small squads and drilled in the rudiments of the game, W. Rollins '16, W. R. Snow '18, V. F. Likins '18, G. D. Flynn '19, and F. C. Church '20 volunteering in the coaching of the candidates. The candidates were drilled chiefly in falling on and running with the ball, Coach Wallace giving the men over an hour's work for the first day of practice.

About 20 upper classmen reported for practice for the informal University team yesterday, the men who assisted in the coaching of the Freshmen also taking charge of the University squad. The afternoon was devoted to kicking and falling on the ball.

R. W. P. Brown '98 and L. H. Leary '05 were at Soldiers Field yesterday watching the early season practice but did not take an active part in the coaching of either squad.
