

Bishop Lawrence Opens Appleton Tomorrow Morning at 11 O'clock.

The Right Reverend William Lawrence, Bishop of Massachusetts, will conduct the first service of the year in Appleton Chapel tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock. New students and strangers are especially welcome. Students of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Naval Radio School are invited to avail themselves of the services at Appleton Chapel, both on Sundays, and on week-days throughout the year.

Students of the University should enter by the south door or by the west door if accompanied by friends.

Officers of the University and their families should enter by the north door. The galleries only are open to the public.

Regular morning prayers will commence Monday morning at 8.45 o'clock. This service will be held every week-day throughout the year, always closing in time for 9 o'clock classes. During the first week the services will be held by a different preacher each day.
