

The announcement that Professor Cestre of the University of Bordeaux will be at Harvard this year comes as a sort of solace to students concentrating in English. The loss of Professor Neilson is too great to be appreciated immediately, and there are those who had planned out their courses during the last few years who will fell his leaving keenly. It was not because he was an international figure, but because he was one of the most delightful men in guiding one on literary paths.

Thus the advent of a Frenchman distinguished in the study of English can only be hailed with great satisfaction. Curiously enough Professor Cestre is to give in English a course on the romantic poets. It was the same subject which in English 24 Professor Neilson made such a pleasure for all those who entered his class. The entire University extends a hearty welcome to Professor Cestre, but the English students are of fering prayers of thanksgiving to the muses and fates in so conniving that such a man should come to Harvard at exactly the right time.

In spite of our thoughts being over ninety per cent. Military, back in our brains lodges a remembrance that we must not forget our Keats and Shelly. Their influence is a more permanent one than the Infantry Drill Regulations, and we shall gladly receive an ardent disciple of theirs in Cambridge.
