

Upperclassmen Will Form Scrub Team and play Local Games.

The 1917 football season will start next Monday, September 24, when all candidates for the Freshman team are to register at the H. A. A. between the hours of 10 and 5 o'clock. The first practice will be held the following day, when the candidates will report to Coach D. J. Wallance '16 on Soldiers Field. At the same time all other undergraduates who want to play football should report. Scrub teams will later be formed of these men with the likelihood of games being arranged with teams from nearby military and naval stations.

Veterans of last year's University and Freshman elevens who return to College will act as assistants to Wallace in coaching the 1921 squad. Particular attention will be paid to the Freshmen as only they will represent the University officially in football this fall. The tentative schedule in cludes games with Andover, Dean Academy, Worcester Academy, Exeter, and the Princeton and Yale freshman teams.

The managers of the football squad will be G. R. Young '19, R. B. Gross '19, and W. P. Belknap '20. Gross has already reported and has been systematizing the work at the Locker Building.
