

Harvard Company to be Formed When Battalion Goes into Camp.

As orders have been received to enlarge the branch of the Signal Reserve Corps established at the University new recruits are needed to bring the size of the corps to the standard set by the Government. Already 119 men are regularly attending the classes in radio and code work at the Cruft Laboratory, preparatory to the encampment of the members of the corps for intensive training. New recruits are to report to Captain E. C. Russell, at Army Headquarters, 25 Huntington avenue, Monday and new classes in code work will be organized for these men, who will be only slightly handicapped by their late enlistment, especially if they have studied physics.

Companies of the Second Field Battalion of the Signal Reserve Corps, of which the enlisted members training at the University are a branch, will be organized when the corps goes into camp. It is probable that the 26 members of the University already enlisted, together with the new recruits from the University, will form the nucleus of one company at camp as will the men enlisted from Dartmouth and also those from Yale. Some of the commissioned officers for the new company have already been named and the remaining appointments will be made when the company is officially formed.
