


The schedule of preachers for the University Chapel for 1917-18 follows:

Sept. 23: The Rt. Rev. William Lawrence, D.D., Bishop of Massachusetts. Sept. 30--Oct. 6: The Rt. Rev. Charles David Williams, D.D., Bishop of Micnigan. Oct. 7--13: Professor Edward Caldwell Moore, D.D., Plummer Professor of Christian Morals. Oct. 14--20: The Rev. Elwood Worcester, D.D., rector of Emmanuel Church, Boston. Oct. 21--27: Sir Wilfred T. Grenfell, A.M., M.D., Missionary in Labrador. Oct. 28--Nov. 5: The Rev. John A. W. Haas, D.D., president of Muhlenberg College, Allentown, Pa. Nov. 4--10: Sir Wilfred T. Grenfell, M.D. Nov. 11--17: The Rev. Paul Revere Frothingham, D.D., minister of Arlington Street Church, Boston. Nov. 18--24: The Rev. Charles Reynolds Brown, D.D., dean of the Yale School of Religion. Nov. 25--Dec. 1: The Rev. Charles Edwards Park, A.B., minister of the First Unitarian Church, Boston. Dec. 2--8: The Rev. Albert Parker Fitch, D.D., president of Andover Seminary. Dec. 9--15: Professor Harry Emerson Fosdick, D.D., Union Theological Seminary. Dec. 16--22: Professor Harry Emerson Fosdick, D.D. Dec. 23--Jan. 2: Professor Francis Greenwood Peabody, D.D., Plummer Professor Emeritus. Dec. 30: The Rev. Howard J. Chidley, A.M., minister of the First Congregational Church, Winchester, Mass. Jan. 6--12: The Rev. William J. Sullivan, minister of All-Souls' Unitarian Church, New York City. Jan. 13--19: The Rev. Charles Albert Moore, D.D., minister of All-Souls' Congregational Church, Bangor, Me. Jan. 20--26: The Rev. Ambrose White Vernon, D.D., minister of the Harvard Congregational Church, Brookline. Jan. 27--Feb. 2: The Rev. Paul Revere Frothingham, D.D. Feb. 3--9: The Rt. Rev. Charles Palmerston Anderson, D.D., Bishop of Chicago. Feb. 10--16: The Rev. Harold Pattison, D.D., minister of the Washington Heights Baptist Church, New York City. Feb. 17--23: The Rev. Edward Increase Bosworth, D.D., dean of the faculty of theology, Oberlin College. Feb. 24--March 2: The Rev. Raymond Calkins, D.D., minister of the Shepard Memorial Congregational Church, Cambridge. March 3--9: The Rev. W. Russell Bowie, S.T.B., rector of St. Paul's Church, Richmond, Va. March 10--16: The Rev. Paul Revere Frothingham, D.D. March 17--23: The Rev. Albert Parker Fitch, D.D. March 24--30: Professor Edward Caldwell Moore, D.D. March 31--April 6: Professor George Alexander Johnston Ross, M.A., Union Theological Seminary. April 7--13: Professor Hugh Black, D.D., Union Theological Seminary. April 14--20: The Rev. John Edgar Park, A.B., minister of the Second Congregational Church, Newton. April 21--27: The Rev. William Wallace Fenn, D.D., Dean of the Harvard Divinity School. April 28--May 4: The Rev. Ambrose White Vernon, D.D. May 5--11: The Rev. Francis John McConnell, D.D., Bishop of the Methodist-Episcopal Church, Denver, Col. May 12--18: The Rev. Elwood Worcester, D.D. May 19--25: Professor Harry Emerson Fosdick, D.D. May 26--June 1: Professor Harry Emerson Fosdick, D.D. June 2--8: The Rt. Rev. Charles David Williams, D.D. June 9--15: The Rev. Ambrose White Vernon, D.D. June 16: The Rev. Henry Sloane Coffin, D.D., minister of the Madison Avenue Preshyterian Church, New York City. June 16: Baccalaureate service, 4 P. M.
