

Major Pierce Hopes For Resumption of Intercollegiate Sports.

A letter has been addressed by Major Palmer E. Pierce, U.S.A., president of the National Collegiate Athletic Association, to members of that organization and others interested intercollegiate athletics, suggesting a conference to be held in Washington next August to discuss the situation growing out of the war and to adopt a uniform policy looking to the preservation of intercollegiate athletics.

This is the first step that has been taken in the attempt to bring some order out of the chaos that at present exists, with practically all contests between colleges called off. Leaders in the country have agreed that athletics are invaluable in preparation for military service and the general sentiment is that many benefits would be derived if intercollegiate activities of this nature could be continued. Practically all the colleges and universities have arranged their football schedules for next fall and these contests might be carried out despite the losses of star players.
