

Radio Establishment at Cruft Laboratory Inspected Today.

Captain William R. Rush, commandant of the First Naval District, will visit with his staff the Cruft Laboratory this morning at 11 o'clock to inspect the work of the Naval Radio Training School, which has been located there since the building was taken over by the Government. The school now has a membership of 110 students, many of whom are members of the University.

Captain Rush and his staff, escorted by a company of Marines, will leave the Charlestown Navy Yard in automobiles and are expected at Cambridge at about 1 o'clock. In addition to inspecting the school Captain Rush will review its members, who have been in intensive training for some time. The visitors will be welcomed by President Lowell and several members of the Faculty, who will assist at the review. The Marine Band from the Navy Yard will play at the exercises.

This official visit, it is believed, will aid materially in arousing interest in the recruiting for the training school, which hopes to increase its enrolment.
