


The third week of intensive training for the University Reserve Officers' Training Corps starts today with several new features to the schedule. The most important of these is the beginning of gallery practice in preparation for the range shooting to come at Wakefield. The targets will be placed under the Stadium on the east side, and each company will be given six hours of this work. Two targets are to be assigned to each company, and four sub-calibre rifles.

Section meetings will also be held, commencing today, so that the theoretical side of the training will become more individual than it has been so far. These sections will be under the direction of men thoroughly familiar with the theory of military science and will be held twice daily at 8 and 1.30 o'clock, lasting an hour each. Thus, for this week, the physical drill will be reduced to six hours and greater attention paid to the knowledge of the prescribed text-books.

Besides their lectures, the subjects and dates of which will be announced later, the officers will commence the work of practical instruction this week. On each day two companies will devote the entire time of drill to the study of field fortifications and will work as nearly as possible under the conditions of trench warfare.

Bayonet fencing for each individual member of the Training Corps will continue under Captain Leslaby and an hour and a half a day will be assigned to this drill. Signalling by the wig-wag code as well as by the semaphore system will be learned, and some instruction in the principles of first aid will be given.

In the new schedule of training the third battalion is put on an equal footing for instruction with the two original battalions, but different arrangements are made for the drilling of the recruit detachment.


Schedule of Training, May 21-27.

Section meetings: Monday, 8-9; all companies. Military Topography: Text, Grieves, pp. 1-16. 1.30-2.30: Companies C, D, E, F, G, H, I, K, L, M, and R.D.; Minor Tacties: Bjornstad, pp. 1-16.

Tuesday, 8-9: all companies; Military Topography: Text, Grieves, pp. 17-35. 1.30-2.30: Minor Tacties; Companies A and B; text: Bjornstad, pp. 1-16; Companies E, F, G, H, I, K, L, M, and A.D., pp. 17-22.

Wednesday, 8-9: all companies; Military Topography; text, Grieves, pp. 36-52. 1.30-2.30: Minor Tactics; Companies A. B. C. D; text, Bjornstad, pp. 17-22; Companies G, H, I, K, L, M, and R.D., text, pp. 23-27.

Thursday, 8-9: all companies; Military Topography; text, Grieves, pp. 53-71. 1.30-2.30: Minor Tactics; Companies A, B, C, D, E, F, text, Bjornstad, pp. 23-27; Companies I, K, L, M, and R.D., pp. 28-35.

Friday, 8-9: all companies; Military Topography; text, Grieves, pp. 72-90. 1.30-2.30: Minor Tactics; Companies A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H; text, Bjornstad, pp. 28-35; R.D., text, pp. 36-39.

Saturday, 8-9: all companies; examination in Military Topography. 11-12: all companies, examination on lectures of week.

Field Work:


9.15-5.30.--Field Fortifications under officers of the French Mission.


9.15-10.--Physical training by Battalion.

10-10.30.--Signalling, semaphore code.

10.30-12.--Gallery Practice; Bayonet Fencing under Master of Fencing.

2.45-3.45.--Squad Drill, extended order.

3.45-4.15.--Signalling, wig-wag code.

4.15-5.30.--Company Drill, close order.


9.15-10.--Physical training by Battalion.

10.-10.30.--Signalling, semaphore code.

10.30-12.--Gallery Practice, Bayonet Fencing.

2.45-3.15.--Signalling, wig-wag code.

3.15-4.15.--Company Drill, extended order.

4.15-5.30.--Battalion Combat exercise.


9.15-10.--Physical training by Battalion.

10-10.30.--Signalling, semaphore code.

10.30-12.--Gallery Practice; Bayonet Fencing.

2.45-3.15.--Signalling, wig-wag code.

3.15-3.45.--First Aid.

3.45-5.30.--Battalion Combat exercise.


9.15-10.--Physical training by Battalion.

10.-10.30.--Signalling, semaphore code.

10.30-12.--Gallery Practice; Bayonet Fencing.

2.45-3.15.--Signalling, wig-wag code.

3.15-4.15.--Platoon drill.

4.15-5.30.--Battalion drill, close order.


9.30-10.30.--Inspection under arms.


9.15-10.--Physical training by Battalion.

10.-10.30.--Signalling, semaphore code.

10.30-12.--Gallery Practice; Bayonet Fencing.

2.45-3.15.--Signalling, wig-wag code.

3.15-4.15.--Company drill, extended order.

4.15-5.--Battalion Combat exercise.

Companies A and B: Monday, I; Tuesday, II; Wednesday, III; Thursday, IV; Friday, V; Saturday, VI.

Companies C and D: Monday, II; Tuesday, I; Wednesday, III; Thursday, IV; Friday, V; Saturday, VI.

Companies E and F: Monday, II; Tuesday, III; Wednesday, I; Thursday, IV; Friday, V; Saturday, VI.

Companies G and H: Monday, II; Tuesday, III; Wednesday, IV; Thursday, I; Friday, V; Saturday, VI.

Companies I, K, L, and M: Monday, II; Tuesday, III; Wednesday, VII; Thursday, V; Friday, I; Saturday, VI.


Subjects and dates of lectures will be announced to companies.  May 19, 1917.


The following are the instructors and the rooms assigned for the sections in Military Science and Tactics (R. O. T. C.):

Course in Small Problems for Infantry. Text: Bjornstad.

A-1  Sever 5  Mr. BriggsA-2  Sever 6  Mr. ChaseB-1  Sever 17  Mr. ElwellB-2  Sever 23  Mr. GallishawC-1  Sever 30  Mr. Galla
