

Captain W. H. Russell Bids Fair to Take Individual Honors in Intercollegiate Championship.

The University fencing team, composes of Captain W. H. Russell '18, R. G. Crimmins '19, E. R. Gay '19 and C. M. Hodges '19, and accompanied by Coach Lesiabay and Manager G. H. Code '18 left the South Station on the 1 o'clock train yesterday afternoon to compete is the intercollegiate fencing champion ships held under the auspices of the Intercollegiate Fencers' Association in the Hotel Astor, New York City, this evening and tomorrow afternoon and evening.

With the exception of the loss of the Yale meet, on account of the temporary illness of Captain Russell, the University swordsmen have had an unusually brilliant season, easily defeating Springfield Y. M. C. A. College, Bowdoin, Pennsylvania and Columbia, and, provided Captain Russell is fencing up to his usual form the chances are very good for a University victory in the team championships this year. Besides the University, Columbia, Bowdoin, Pennsylvania, Yale and the Navy have entered teams, with the midshipmen the strongest opponents of Coach Leslabay's pupils for team honors. Annapolis was the victor last year, and has two veteran foilsmen in Doughty and Jeta. Moquin of Columbia was the individual winner last year, although closely pressed by Captain Russell of the University team for first honors.

As both Moquin and White, the leading men in last year's meet, are not competing, Captain Russell is favored by experts to win the individual championship this year. He has improved greatly with an undefeated record to his credit and has an excellent chance to carry off the title, with the two Navy swordsmen and Pflieger of Yale as his chief opponents.

The tournament will mark the end of the intercollegiate fencing season and will officially decide the intercollegiate champions of the year. The ranking will be by matches won and lost, each man fencing every other swordsman on the other five teams.
