

P. J. Edor Will Discuss South American Republic Tomorrow.

Phanor J. Edor '03, LL.B., will speak on "The Recent Diplomatic and Political History of Colombia" in Emerson J. tomorrow at 12 o'clock. He will be the second of the lecturers secured by Dr. Klein for History 56, the history of South America.

Mr. Edor is a specialist on Colombia. He represents several large Colombian corporations, handling their legal business in this country. He has written a number of volumes on Colombia, notably one in the Scribner South American series published in 1913. The Colombian Government has often employed him in a professional capacity as legal adviser.

He will discuss in connection with his subject Colombia's relations with the United States, referring to the recognition of Panama by the United States, one acquisition of the Ganal Zone in 1903, and the proposed treaty between the countries. He will also consider the economic aspects and natural resources of the republic, and will show the opportunities for investment, there. Colombia is important from an international point of view because of its proximity to the Canal, and the doubts that have recently been expressed about the maintenance of stringent neutrality in the war.
