

Last night at eight o'clock President Wilson delivered a momentous address before Congress, advocating that a state of war with Germany be declared. Congress will necessarily support the President and pass Congressman Flood's resolution, and by this action it will be fulfilling the ardent desire of every patriotic citizen. After the formal declaration will come the call for five hundred thousand volunteers, additional recruits for the navy, and then the marshalling of the nation's resources for the successful combat against the Hohenzollern government of Germany.

There are serious times ahead. Timid messages of caution or good-will are past. The Allies have had our sympathy and moral support for the last two years, but the righteous opportunity has come for us to change our attitude. From now on our every element of strength should be concentrated on the task of suppressing a military power that has long lost regard for the most fundamental and humane rights of other peoples. Sacrifices by American citizens must be made and they will be made readily and joyfully. Yet the sooner the American manufacturer, banker, professor, business man, and politician offer their services and wealth to the United States at war, the sooner will the struggle be over and the fewer the terrible sacrifices entailed.

President Wilson, the leader of this great nation, has stated in clear, manly terms the only honorable stand that this country can take. We congratulate him upon his firm declaration and pledge our heartiest support to following principles so well expressed by him. "We have no selfish ends to serve. We desire no conquest, no dominion. We seek no indemnities for ourselves, no material compensation for the sacrifices we shall freely make. We are but one of the champions of the rights of mankind. We shall be satisfied when those rights have been made as secure as the faith and the freedom of the nations can make them."
