

The Reverend E. I. Bosworth, D.D., to Lead Services Tomorrow.

The Reverend Edward Increase Bosworth, D.D., Dean of the Faculty of Divinity at Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio, will conduct Sunday services in Appleton Chapel tomorrow at 11 o'clock. Dr. Bosworth received his A.B. from Yale in 1883 and the degree of B.D. from Oberlin in 1886. He studied later in Leipzig and Athens. Since 1892 he has been professor of the New Testament at Oberlin and Dean since 1903. He is the author of "Studies in the Teaching of Jesus and His Apostles," "Christ in Everyday Life" and other writings.

Officers of the University should enter at the north door of the Chapel and students at the south, unless accompanied by friends, when they should use the west door. The gallery is open to the public.

No Morning Prayers Next Week.

There will be no daily Chapel services during the April recess. There will be the regular service on Sunday, April 22, conducted by the Reverend Paul Revere Frothingham '86, A.M., D.D., minister of the Arlington Street Church, Boston.
